Did you miscalculate when carrying that ladder to your basement and poke a hole into your wooden door? Or not make the corner when you brought in your fantastic antler chandelier and removed a chunk from the finish? Not to worry, it can be fixed! To begin, you’ll want to fill the hole with wood putty, or if it is a larger hole, you may have to use Bondo or auto body filler and sand it smoothly. If Bondo is required and the door is stained, you must hire a painter to recreate the wood grain in the door. After you’ve done this, you are free to restain the door. If it’s just a nail hole that you would like filled, MinWax and a couple of other companies offer a filler crayon in a multitude of colors. Squeeze this into the hole and rub it smooth with a rag. This saves you from refinishing the door, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work for larger areas.

Post by: Randy Ritzenthaler