An effective Bathroom Ventilation system is very important to protect your home from moisture damage and other risks such as mold and mildew growth which may adversely affect the heath of your family.
A bathroom window provides natural ventilation by removing steam, odor, moisture and bringing in fresh air. A window alone is not sufficient for effective ventilation though. It is also not practical as your ability to keep it open depends on the weather. Hence, a good bathroom fan is a must.
There are several new generation quiet and effective energy-efficient exhaust fans available in the market today. Read through these guidelines before choosing and installing one:
- Buy a fan large enough to ventilate your bathroom. Fans are usually rated 50CFM and higher. The larger the room, higher the CFM needed for effective ventilation. Here is a good article on how to size one:
- Compare the Home Ventilating (HVI) ratings which tell you about the noise and energy efficiency.
- Check if it is rated for use under insulation to ensure there is no air leakage.
- Check for rating and approval to use under wet conditions.
- Get one that can be used continuously and has replaceable parts and permanent lubrication.
- Install the fan as close to the moisture and odor source as possible.
- Ensure proper ducting for maximum fan efficiency.
- It is better to keep the light and fan switches separate for energy efficiency.
- Static electricity produced by fans attracts a ton of dirt which can make the fan ineffective if left unchecked. Seasonally clean the fan, its housing, backdraft dampers and exterior flaps to keep your fan working at maximum efficiency long term.
The following fans in the market are state of the art and have high customer rating:
- Air King BFQ 90 High Performance Bath Fan: This is a 90 CFM budget friendly easy to install high performance fan. Its plastic housing makes it quiet and rust proof. The manufacturer especially recommends this fan for high-moisture and salt water areas.
- NuTone Ultra-Quiet Energy Star Fan: This is a 150 CFM ultra-quiet and efficient fan suitable for bigger room and heavy duty ventilation. Comes with a timer, so you don’t have to worry about turning-off the fan.
- Delta Electronics VFB25AEH Breez 130 CFM Humidity Sensor Exhaust Fan: This is a low-noise, quiet and efficient fan rated for continuous use. This fan never needs to be turned on or off. It’s built in humidity censor automatically adjusts the fan speed and turns it on and off to maintain the set humidity threshold.
- Panasonic FV-WCCS1-W Whisper Control Three-Function On/Off Switch: This wall mounted control is a great addition to a basic exhaust fan. It has a Condensation Sensor, Humidity Control and Countdown timer that automatically turns the fan on when condensation/humidity reaches a set threshold. A 30 minute countdown timer is initiated when the fan turns on.
An effective Ventilation system is the first step towards a 24-7 mold free and fresh smelling bathroom!
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